The doctor shifted back in his seat, twisting his moustache as he thought – “Can’t say as I saw a woman around. He used his right hand instead – “…what happened to the woman?” He reached to shield his one eye from the beam of light hitting him from the window, but once more his arm failed him – numb and unresponsive. You’ll wanna take a rest just a minute longer.” A kindly old voice, and gentle hands used to precise work – he turned and saw the doctor take his seat once more, simple flannel shirt and overalls like a country doctor would wear. That crash knocked the wind outta you pretty handy.
He tipped onto his right side and reached to stop his fall, but found his arm didn’t stop him.Ī hand closed under his shoulder – “Easy there, easy. It was the bedspring digging into his back that finally made him sit up, unsteady and trembling as he rose, like his head was a pendulum and any direction was down.